9 Healthy Nutritious Foods For A Diet

Healthy Nutritious Foods

When considering what to include in a weight loss diet, there are two factors that you should always consider. 

The first is whether or not your chosen diet will include sufficiently nutritious foods to keep you healthy. 

The second is will the diet be tasty enough to maintain your interest rather than opt-out through boredom.

healthy nutritious foods

It is possible to address both of these concerns simultaneously by considering healthy food vitamins, and in so doing, you may be in for some pleasant surprises. Much will depend on your tastes in food. Still, with experimentation, you should be able to construct a diet within the guidelines of your nutritionist and doctor, which is also interesting enough to enable you to not only stick to the diet but enjoy it also.
If you end up with a diet that you really enjoy, there’s a chance it could become a lifelong habit. It is possible to make permanent changes, as I know that from personal experience. 

Initially, it can be difficult to make drastic changes, but it can be done much easier if you enjoy eating the food. Drastic changes may not even be needed in many cases, but it is best to discuss your own health and weight problem with your health professional.
I have selected nine of my best healthy, nutritious foods to include in a diet. These healthy foods are rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients, which will provide you with some of the most important nutrients to sustain you during your diet.

9 Best Nutritious Diet Foods


I find tomatoes one of the most versatile and useful Nutritious Foods for cooking. 

It can be used to add interest to all sorts of meals, such as curries, casseroles, and soups.

Nutritious diet foods

Tomatoes go well with lean meats or mixed with other vegetables when used for cooking. They are also delicious raw if you can find good tomatoes rather than the insipidly flavored tomatoes you may find in the supermarket.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, plus vitamins A and C. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, which is why much scientific attention has been paid to tomatoes in recent years. Lycopene’s ability to neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage has been the center of attention due to its possible potential in cancer prevention.

Tomatoes also have one other special asset. The nutrients are not destroyed during cooking, and even processed tomato products, such as tomato sauce or ketchup, and canned tomatoes, retain the nutritional benefits. Tomatoes are, therefore, my health food superhero.


When it comes to making boring food tasty, garlic is way up there among the best nutritious foods . Along with tomatoes, garlic is an important part of the Mediterranean Diet. 

9 best nutritious foods

Like tomatoes, it can be used with just about any other cooked food, so whatever your diet regime is, you should find you can utilize garlic widely to satisfy your palate.

Garlic has some important nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, phosphorus, and selenium, and antibiotic properties.


Basil is a humble and popular herb that can be used liberally to bring its distinctive flavor to other Nutritious Foods. You may not realize that basil also packs a punch when it comes to calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Also, basil is a good source of iron, potassium, magnesium, and carotenoids such as beta-carotene.

How about tomato and basil soup with a touch of garlic? A super combo of healthy nutrients that will suit most diets.


The mention of strawberries seems like a self-indulgence as their flavor to some seems too good to be true  

The strawberry is a great health food, with some healthy nutrients you may not have anticipated.

best healthy diet foods

Strawberries contain Vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Strawberries are best fresh and eaten on their own. (Please read carefully. I did not say strawberries should be eaten laced in sugar with a dollop of clotted cream.)


Many may turn their noses up at the mention of spinach; I know I did as a child. However, once you discover its true flavor, spinach makes an excellent food as a side vegetable, soup, or curry. All the old stories about the goodness of spinach were true. It contains Vitamin C, iron, beta carotene, and calcium., plus vitamins E and K, fiber, lutein, and zeaxanthin (carotenoids).

These are just a few ideas for healthy nutritious foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins, adding flavor and interest to your diet. Eating food high in nutrients along with some permanent lifestyle changes, should result in a healthy weight loss


Blueberries are a fantastic diet food because they not only taste great, they are full of health-supporting nutrients.

These include anthocyanins which belong to a group of nutrients called flavonoids.

Blueberries are a nutritious diet food

Flavonoids have many health benefits, including being powerful antioxidants.
Blueberries also contain Vitamin C, Vitamin b6, potassium, manganese, and fiber with health benefits for your heart and brain function.
They also have a low Glycaemic Index giving extra benefits when on a diet.
A low Glycaemic Index means they are low in sugar so won’t spike your blood sugars or insulin.
Having stable blood sugar makes it easier for your body to lose weight.


Eggs a such a nutritious food and perfect to include in any healthy eating plan.

They are full of protein, fats, and many nutrients, including Choline, a very special nutrient with many health benefits

Eggs for a healthy diet plan

Choline is an important nutrient for the brain and the whole nervous system. Choline helps regulate mood, and memory and is important for the whole body as it is an essential component of all the cell
membranes in your body.
Eggs also contain Vitamins A, D & E, iron, magnesium, selenium, folate, and zinc. Because eggs contain good protein levels, it helps stabilize blood sugar, making you feel fuller for
longer. The fat component helps the body feel satisfied, and therefore, you are less likely to need
extra snacks.
The fats in eggs help your body create more good cholesterol and can actually lower your circulating
fats helping your heart and circulation.
Free-range or organic is always more beneficial..


Celery is a fantastic diet food full of nutrients and also has a low glycaemic index.

Celery is full of fiber, including insoluble fiber, which means it’s great for your gut and makes you feel fuller for longer.

Celery is rich in nutrients

 Celery is also rich in nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamin A,K and
vitamin C
Celery is extremely low in calories which is another bonus for this amazing superfood.
Try it with some nut butter on it as a snack ,delicious.


While all fish can be beneficial for you, sardines have some extra health benefits, so they are definitely worth considering.

Sardines have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and are fantastic for your heart circulation and brain health. The omega oils are also beneficial for healthy skin.
Because sardines feed mainly on Plankton, they don’t have the high levels of mercury you sometimes find in bigger fish.
Sardines are also high in protein and nutrients including vitamin D, calcium, and Vitamin B12
Because it is a high protein food it will stabilize blood sugars so reducing that hungry feeling and reducing your need to continuously snack.

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